Ambassador of the Month: Joey Schmidt
Ambassador of the Month: Joey Schmidt The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Joey Schmidt as the May Ambassador of the Month. Joey is a fun ray of light at Chamber events, always willing to connect people and create community. We are excited to feature Joey this month! Tell us about your background. I got my…
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Ambassador of the Month: Corey Green The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Corey Green as the April Ambassador of the Month. With his signature smile and always willing to lend a hand, Corey Green has become a staple of welcoming friendship at Mid-America LGBT Chamber events. He is a man of many talents and we…
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Ambassador of the Month: Micha Mims The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Micha Mims as the March Ambassador of the Month. As a 4-year collegiate basketball player and 5+-year collegiate coach, Micha Mims has bottled up her knowledge of cultivating culture. Dedicating her career to helping teams look inward to best serve outward, she is…
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Ambassador of the Month: Ken Strickland The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Ken Strickland as the February Ambassador of the month. Ken is a friendly face around the Chamber, always being willing to lend a helping hand, welcome folks to our event, and we are excited to highlight Ken this month. Tell us about your…
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Ambassador of the Month: Kristen Thomas The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Kristen Thomas as the January Ambassador of the month. January 19, 2022 – Kristen Thomas is a staple at our Chamber events. Always welcoming and up for a no-nonsense discussion about what’s going on in her community, Kristen is a fierce advocate and…
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Ambassador of the Month: Elven Hickmon The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Elven Hickmon as the November Ambassador of the month. Kansas City, MO | Tuesday, November 23, 2021 If you’ve been to a Chamber event, chances are you’ve seen Elven Hickmon. Often the first face you see at our events, Elven has served…
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Ambassador of the Month: John Crum The Ambassadors are proud to recognize John Crum as the September Ambassador of the month. Kansas City, MO | Tuesday, September 28, 2021 John has been a tried and true Ambassador, serving the organization for over five years and has just received his LGBT Business Enterprise Certification through…
Read MoreReeves Announced as 2021 Most Wanted Honoree for Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Auction
Reeves Announced as 2021 Most Wanted Honoree for Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Auction Kansas City, Missouri – Mid-America LGBT Chamber Board Member Bryce Reeves has been announced as a 2021 Most Wanted Honoree by Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City. The Most Wanted honorees are a class of charitable, passionate and hard-working professionals who come…
Read MoreAmbassador of the Month: Morgan Miller
Ambassador of the Month: Morgan Miller The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Morgan Miller as August’s Ambassador of the Month. Kansas City, MO | Monday, August 30, 2021 – The Mid-America LGBT Chamber of Commerce is elated to announce Morgan Miller as August’s Ambassador of the Month. Morgan is a kindred spirit that has…
Read MoreAmbassador of the Month: Stella Crewse
Ambassador of the Month: Stella Crewse The Ambassadors are proud to recognize Stella Crewse as July’s Ambassador of the Month! Kansas City, MO | Tuesday, July 27, 2021 – Stella has been an active member since the Chambers’ inception and has been a part of the Ambassador Program for over five years. Stella currently…
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