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Diversity & Inclusion

Mid-America LGBT Chamber of Commerce Statement on Diversity & Inclusion:

Diversity and Inclusion acknowledges and empowers the uniqueness of the Mid-America LGBT Chamber member, creating an environment that values and respects individuals for their talents, skills, and knowledge to the benefit of the Chamber and community. We aspire to be thought leaders in the ongoing conversation of how to create and maintain a more open-minded workforce.

Factors affecting the positioning are listed below. These act as filters for Chamber-related topics impacting programming, strategy and planning development, board nominations, integration of language, among other arenas we're likely to identify as we move further along our path to learning. We will use these filters as a measure for progress to document success over time.

  • Gender Identity
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Socio-Economic Status
  • Industry
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Geographic Location
  • Education Level
  • Religion

Mid-America LGBT Chamber of Commerce Diversity & Inclusion Core Values:

Our Diversity & Inclusion efforts support the following values:

  • We believe in an open and inclusive environment built on mutual respect, integrity and honest communication
  • We affirm those who may feel marginalized or excluded and remain vigilant supporters to ensure they are seen and heard
  • We pursue continued education and learning opportunities to ensure we are invested fully for our sustainable future
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